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Your Birth Story

My sweet baby boy Landon,

As I am writing you, you are sleeping peacefully next to me, safely in your bassinet. You occasionally make tiny grunts or will have a sweet smile come across your face, making me wonder just what you are dreaming about.

Yesterday, you turned 1 month old! I cannot believe how quickly this last month has flown by. In some ways, I feel like I have known you forever and can't remember my life before you were in it, but in other ways, I feel like the day you came into this world was just yesterday. Before it gets too far away and some of the small details start to get confused, I want to make sure I write to you exactly what happened on January 28, 2019 -  the day you were born.

It was Sunday night/Monday morning. I was 38 weeks + 5 days pregnant. At around 1:30 AM, I started to have contractions. Your dad was asleep, so instead of just waking him up, I thought I would try to tough it out to make sure what I was feeling was the real deal. Well, that lasted a full 30 minutes, because the pains started to be much more intense. I took a shower, thinking that would make it go away, but nope. At this point, I woke up your dad, started timing my contractions, and when I realized they were getting pretty close, decided to go to the hospital. We got to UC Irvine Medical Center at 3:30 AM. By the time you and I were checked out and the decision was made to admit us, it was about 6:30 AM. I won't ever forget the moment the OBGYN told us we were getting admitted, because that meant today was the day we would finally meet you. Of course, I had known you for the last 9 months at this point - I could feel you hiccup every night, or feel you move to your favorite spot in my right rib cage, but the realization that I would now know you as a baby outside of me was very surreal.

I was in labor for 18 hours and was pushing for 1.5 hours until you made your grand appearance. Even though 1.5 hours seems like a long time now, it went by quickly because of how focused you are in the moment. We had no complications and everything went very smoothly. To be honest, I was terrified of labor, since I thought the pain would be unimaginable...but it really wasn't bad, because the anticipation of meeting you overpowered any discomfort I was having. Plus, an epidural is a beautiful thing.

It was exactly 8 PM when you arrived. You were a big baby, but not as big as we were thinking you would be, as you were measuring about 3 weeks ahead for almost my whole pregnancy. When they measured you, we took guesses, and daddy guessed exactly right - 8 lbs 5 oz. 21 inches long.

I never truly understood what love was until I met you. The moment you were placed on my chest is a memory that I will keep for the rest of my was the moment that gave me clarity into my purpose in life. You were (and still are) the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life.

I love you for always,




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