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My First Month Back At Work

Hi sweet baby boy!

I am so sorry its been so so long since I have written you a love letter, but you and I have been adjusting to our new normal of me being back and work and you staying at home with your grammy and nanaamma. My absence of letters does not mean I love you any less!! In fact, I think I love you more and more each day! :)

Since my last letter, we had the most amazing month alone together. Yes, it made mommy very tired at some points, but it was just so special to have this time together - just you and me (and Rupee boy of course). Daddy would come home in the evenings after work, so you got some special time with him as well. You and I got into such a routine that mainly consisted of us snuggling on the couch all day. We would also go on 2-3 walks each day so that Rupert could get his energy out and so that you and I got some fresh air. We spent a few days by the pool and had a few trips to the park too. We even met up with some baby friends, but you slept through most of our play dates. I went a few days attempting nap training with you so that you would nap in the bassinet while I could do laundry or make dinner, but as the weeks went by and I knew I would be returning back to work, I stopped doing that and just held you all day every day because I needed to soak up all the snuggles I could!

The days went by much too fast and finally it came to April first day back at work. Grammy flew down a few days before to get used to our schedule. The first time she gave you a bottle, I almost cried because it was the first time someone else had fed you and I already missed that special part of our lives. But, I am so thankful she was able to come and stay, because that meant 1) we avoided having to put you in day care (we don't like other germie kids!!) and 2) you got to have special bonding time with her too.

My first day back was rough. Really rough. I was an emotional mess. I would text/call/facetime your grammy about every 20 minutes to ask what you were up to. The usual response was "he's still asleep", but I just needed to know. I didn't make it a full day of work until Friday, because I couldn't take being away from you. The second week back was much better, because you got to come to work too!! Thats right, that second week we were at a week long retreat to Oceanside, CA...You and grammy came along for the whole thing!

We had such a fun time in Oceanside. You got to meet lots of new friends (about 60 pediatricians who  passed you around to play with), you got to go to your first beach, and we even made a day trip to the beautiful flower fields in Carlsbad, CA where mommy made you take an adorable photoshoot that you didn't quite love at the moment. It was such a fun week and made our transition back so much easier.

Fast forward to now...We are a full month in and we are both adjusted to our new normal. After Grammy stayed for about 3 weeks, your Nanaamma took over. The swap weekend was my birthday and our first mothers day, so we had such a fun celebration -- yummy dinner/brunch for mommy, which means yummy milkies for baby! We also had more time at the beach!

Over the last few weeks, I have felt a lot better about going back to work. Its good for me to have some time to myself and with other adults, but that doesn't mean I want to be with you or love you any less. The second I get home, I immediately take over. All I want to do is hold you, kiss you and give you milkies. I have also started to get you up for the day before I go to work, which means we get morning cuddle time and lotion massages and picking out your daily outfit. While my mom was there, I would just let you sleep in your swaddle and she would come in my bed until you woke up...but I missed our morning time together so much!!

Only 5 more weeks of work before we have 6 whole weeks off together again. During this time is our big move to NYC where you will be the little babe in the big apple! While I was initially not super stoked to bring you to such a big city for a year, I am getting excited more and more, especially now that I know my job in NYC will be 2 days per week - so we get 5 whole days per week of snuggle/exploration time! I think it will be such a fun year for us after all.

I love you my sweet snuggly biggle baby.

<3 Mommy


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