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Seven Weeks old/First Vaccines

To my perfect squishy baby boy,

You are seven weeks old today...SEVEN! How is that even possible??? Time is moving way too fast. I tell you every day to stay tiny and that I want you to be a tiny baby for ever. However, I am also just so happy to see what a healthy big boy you are becoming! You are so much more awake during the days. You are smiling at mommy's face, giggle in your sleep, love staring at your monkeys on your bouncy chair, and enjoy milk more than anything else. We are still struggling to sleep longer hours, but you do give me a good 4 hour stretch almost every night!

This last month has seriously flown by. Your Nanuma Sujatha was here for the first part of the month and your grammy Pati has been here these last two weeks. Everyone fights over holding you because your cuddles are the best. We have to actively remember to put you down for tummy time because we all just want to hold you all the time! We had our first two outings - the first outing about a week ago to the grocery store, and then last weekend to the park. We avoided meeting any new people at these outings, because its Flu season, but we enjoyed getting outside! We did meet some new friends, though - getting visits from some of mommy's friends and meeting new baby friends as well! We have also taken you to the pool at our complex a few times, but have only put your little toes in the water for a little bit because the hot tub is too hot and the pool water is too cold for now. You liked the water, even though it was only your toes and it was only a few seconds! Mommy is still a little too scared to take you outside around other people, because she is still scared of you getting sick..but hopefully with time that will get a little better and you will get to have more adventures!

Speaking of getting sick - We went to the pediatrician today for your 7 week well child check-up. Its technically your "two month", but I couldn't wait any longer. You got weighed and measured. You are a giant big boy - very tall (24 inches, 97th%ile) and a chunky monkey too (13 lbs 1 oz, 83%ile). Today, we also got your first set of vaccines. As a pediatrician, I talk to parents about these 2 month vaccines all the time. I know they are safe and I know how important they are. I have actually been counting down the days until you get your pertussis vaccine so that I feel more comfortable with you leaving the house ...That being said, when it came down to the nurse poking you, I got SO sad. I was scared to see you cry. I didn't want you to feel sick or fussy or not want to eat or have fevers. I didn't want you to be in any pain at all. I wished that I could somehow get 1 million shots if it would somehow pass on the protection to you so that you wouldn't have to get poked.  Unfortunately, thats not an option. Its crazy how much my logical side goes out the window with you...Its like I lose all my medical knowledge and just think emotionally!

Your daddy took the morning off work today to come with mommy to your appointment. I am so thankful he did, because he is much more logical and thought mommy was being a little silly being so sad for you to get poked.  He held your hands and looked into your eyes while the nurse did her magic. It was fast and you handled it like a CHAMP. You didn't seem to be phased by the shots very much at fact I think you actually didn't like the Rotavirus drink way more than any pokes you got. After the shots, you were just as happy and smiley as ever. You shed no tears. Throughout the day, you were a little bit sleepy and a tiny bit more cranky, which doesn't take much because you are a SUPER chill baby, but overall you were your normal self! I was a little psycho, checking your temperature every 30 minutes to see if you were starting to spike a fever. We are now 12 hours post-vaccine and still no fever! Wahoo!

It still amazes me how much being your mom has changed me (for the better). You make me feel things I didn't know existed. You make me love more than I ever thought I could, you make me fear things that I know I shouldn't fear, and you give me such joy with every little smile and giggle.

I love you my perfect sweet boy,



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