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Showing posts from May, 2019

My First Month Back At Work

Hi sweet baby boy! I am so sorry its been so so long since I have written you a love letter, but you and I have been adjusting to our new normal of me being back and work and you staying at home with your grammy and nanaamma. My absence of letters does not mean I love you any less!! In fact, I think I love you more and more each day! :) Since my last letter, we had the most amazing month alone together. Yes, it made mommy very tired at some points, but it was just so special to have this time together - just you and me (and Rupee boy of course). Daddy would come home in the evenings after work, so you got some special time with him as well. You and I got into such a routine that mainly consisted of us snuggling on the couch all day. We would also go on 2-3 walks each day so that Rupert could get his energy out and so that you and I got some fresh air. We spent a few days by the pool and had a few trips to the park too. We even met up with some baby friends, but you slept through mo